Parish of Callide Valley

Click link for Online Services

Caring for the district of the Callide ValleyBiloela is the main centrebut also serving Jambin and Thangool

Parish of Callide Valley Website
St Gabriel's Biloela worships

Located at the corner of Kariboe St and Melton St

Sundays at 8:30am Holy Communion

Wednesday 8:45am Holy Communion

St Christopher's Jambin worships

Located on the Burnett Highway

1st Sunday of the month at 6:00 pm — Holy Communion

St Andrew's Thangool worships

Located on Stanley Street

1st Sunday of the month at 10:30 am — Holy Communion

Parish Office
Email:  callidevalley@anglicanchurchc

The Rev'd Nathan Dean
Parish Mobile:  0493 172 371

Parish Administration:
PO Box 827
Biloela QLD. 4715