Parish of Boyne River

Linking the twin tourist towns of Tannum Sands and Boyne Island and also serving Miriam Vale, Agnes Water, Lowmead, Bororen, Berajondo and Rosedale. St. Luke's Heritage Church stands side by side with St Mark's Boyne Island in the twinned communities of Boyne Island and Tannum Sands.

Click Links (below) for Our Online Services

Anglican Parish of Boyne River website:
Anglican 'BITS' Facebook
St. Mark's Boyne Island worships

Located on the corner of Malpas & Sayre Streets

Sundays at 8:30am

4pm 2nd Sunday of the month, Messy Church

Bible Study, 1.30pm Wednesday

Weekly Coffee at Boyne Maccas 10am Thursday

Weekly Craft Group 9am - 12pm Tuesday

St. Mary's Miriam Vale worships

Located on Larson Street in Miriam Vale

11am on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month

St. Annes Agnes Water worships

Services are held at the Roman Catholic Church, Bicentennial Drive

8:30am every Sunday of the month

St. Luke's Lowmead worships

Located on Lowmead Road

2pm on the 4th Sunday of the month

Parish Office
Parish Office:  4973 7917

Contact: The Reverend Beryl Andersen

Parish Administration:
PO Box 3328
Tannum Sands, 4680