A co-operating Anglican and Uniting congregation, larger than the state of Victoria, stretching through the legendary channel country and reaching out to Boulia and the border, and including Bedourie and Corfield.
The Anglican church Central West QLD
For online service times and full details go to: angcentralwestqld.com
St. Paul's Winton worships
Located at 72 Cork Street
Sundays at 8:30am
Parish Office
Contact: Under the Care of the Bishop
(Refer to Diocesan contacts below)
Local Contacts:
Nookie Durack
Ph: 46571481
Stephanie Greenwood
Ph: 46571132
Email: stephaniegreenwood@bigpond.com
Mrs Linda Sorensen
Ph: 0427 571 531
Administration: PO Box 142, Winton. Q. 4735