Anglican Church CQ Christmas Service Times

Anglican Church CQ Christmas

Service Times

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Welcome to Anglican Church Central Queensland

The Rockhampton Diocese is included in the Province of Queensland and is one of the 23 dioceses making up the Anglican Church of Australia. The diocese covers an area of approx 57million hectares, more than twice the size of New Zealand, and contains nearly the whole central division of Queensland. The population of the Diocese is 216,000 of whom approximately 48,000 indicate that they are Anglicans.

Basic Principles of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Rockhampton
  •  An intelligent, biblical and historically based faith
  •  An incarnational faith that cares for humanity and creation
  •  A faith expressed in relationship with God and each other
  •  Faith and pastoral practice expressed through liturgy
Anglican Diocese

The Church is the fellowship that nurtures and sustains Christians as they seek to follow Christ faithfully and participate in God’s mission. Its leaders especially are to be examples of Christian faith and obedience as they exercise their vocation, in dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Professional Standards

This Diocese has adopted "Faithfulness in Service"

Our Diocese is committed to our pastoral, insurance, legal and duty of care, obligations with the goal that all ministries are spiritually, emotionally and physically safe; based on the premise that Diocesan parishes, ministries and entities should be abuse-free and harm-free, person valuing and respectful spaces for ministry to God's glory.

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What's on at Anglicare C.Q.
  “Anglicare is an Anglican not-for-profit organisation providing caring and supportive services to the community”